You have a sleep routine in place. Everything is going well. And then your toddler starts saying no.

What do you do?

Short answer - stick to your routine.

  1. Explain that it’s bedtime and everyone is asleep.

  2. Stick to the same words - it’s night time. Sleep time now.

  3. Don’t have conversations or start fetching water, snacks or toys for your toddler.

You need to let your child know that as soon as it’s bedtime all playing and talking ends.

The best way to do this is leading by example.

When you limit your words, seem tired, keep lights dim or off, take them to the toilet (obviously) if they need but do not get them snacks or toys, it lets your child know what is going on.

As soon as your child realises bedtime isn’t something they can fight or delay, they will stop trying.

It’s a good sign that your child is learning the skill of negotiation and understanding that there are somethings in life they can control.

How can you help your toddler explore this new development?

Sometimes when a child realises they can negotiate and they actually have control over somethings, they can have more tantrums.

They have tasted power! They no longer want to do what you want to do.

While this is great, you still have to get on and do things as part of your day so how do you do this without non-stop tantrums?


  • Give your child a choice regarding food - this meal or that? (both options should be options you want).

  • Encourage outfit choosing or what shoes they would like to wear for the day (ensure all non-practical options are out of the way. For example, sandals when it’s the winter!)

  • So, basically give your child choices as often as you can. Allow them to have power and a certain element of control in their daily lives. We all need this in order to feel happy.

By giving your toddler as much choice and power as you can, while still making the best decisions, you teach your child that they can control certain things and they do have power in their own lives.

Then when it comes to the non-negotiable areas like bedtime, they will be less likely to argue or feel angry.

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