20 Must-Have Baby Sleep Tips for 12 Hours of Sleep

The big question for all new parents is:

How on earth can I claim back my sleep?

When will my baby sleep through the night?

Sleep can feel impossible at first.

SO, if you’re struggling with sleep here are 20 must have baby sleep tips to help you get closer to 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

  1. Make it dark

  2. Make it the right temperature

  3. Make it silent (or use soothing lullaby music if this is not possible)

  4. Make sure it is safe

  5. Create an ideal sleep routine

  6. Never change - keep consistent!

  7. Use sleep triggers to prepare your baby for sleep

  8. Observe your baby’s sleep windows to ensure they are ready to sleep

  9. Check an age appropriate sleep schedule if you’re unsure (click here to download a free sleep schedule)

  10. Avoid over-tiredness

  11. Avoid sleep crutches

  12. Avoid screens

  13. No sugar before bed

  14. Drowsy but awake!

  15. Make sleep time a positive time

  16. Watch out for sleep signs

  17. Don’t let sleep regressions put you off

  18. Try to avoid change even when your baby has a cold or is teething

  19. Don’t worry about crying - unfortunately some crying is inevitable but will not last

  20. Know that teaching your baby to sleep independently is an essential skill to have forever

Make it Dark

OK baby sleep tips number one! Make it dark.

This is SO important because at 3 months your baby will become easily distracted by anything and everything.

A dark room helps the release of the sleep hormone, melatonin, and prepares your baby to sleep.

It allows your baby to calm down after a period of stimulation even if to you not much has been going on (your baby is always learning and can need time to process before sleeping).

A darkened room helps the mind to quiet, and your baby to relax.

Click here for the best nursery black out blinds.

Make it Silent

I know a lot of advice out there says make as much noise as you like because then your baby will get used to a loud house and will be able to sleep.

While this is true, some babies can become easily distracted by light and noise.

So, why not make it easier for yourself by creating a relaxing environment where your baby cannot be distracted?

Baby lullaby baby sleep music allows you to be in control.

I play soothing music to my baby during every sleep time. This acts as a sleep trigger which alerts your baby that it is time to sleep.

This is super important because when your baby is prepared for sleep, they will cry less and not resist sleep.

Make it Safe

If you’re like me, there’s no way you’ll be able to leave your baby to fall asleep by themselves if you can’t guarantee their safety.

SO, how do we achieve this?

A safe room includes your baby’s cot - make sure it’s protected on all sides and ventilated.

Click here for the safest baby cots

Have you read the official sleep guidelines to ensure your baby’s safety? Use a baby sleeping bag to ensure nothing can ride over and onto their head.

Choose the correct baby sleeping bag tog to ensure they are warm enough/ cool enough.

Remove all bumpers and soft toys - while this is tempting because to us it looks lovely, to our babies this is not safe and could put them at risk of suffocation (especially when they are under 12 months of age.)

Make sure there are no wires or things hanging down which your baby could pull as they become older and start practising their skills.

Once you are totally satisified with the safety of your baby’s sleep environment you will be able to begin creating a sleep routine.


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